"O intercâmbio não é um ano na vida; é uma vida num ano"
"Exchange isn't a year in life. It is a life in a year"

quarta-feira, 9 de março de 2016

G2G in Holbæk


This last weekend, we have our really awaited gathering with almost all the exchange students here in Denmark, from all the districts. We were reunited on a school in the city of Holbæk, located 1h from Copenhagen.

This gathering was very special for all of us, because we had the chance not only to meet all our 35 newbies, but also to see old friends that we met back then at Introcamp and haven't seen since then! So of course we had to take a group picture :) 
When our train is late we just smile for a picture!

We were already on a G2G mood on the train on our way to Holbæk, given that many other exchange students (some coming from Frederikshavn, a town 3h30min from Vejle) were already on the train, so during the trip we'd walk through the train looking for them to talk a bit! When we arrived in Høje Taastrup to change trains, we had the unpleasant surprise that our train was 28mins late, and we were about 50 people signed for that one, so some went on another train and some waited until the delayed one came, but we dealed with it with the best humour possible, of course! 

It was certainly a mess when everyone got to the school, but it was also amazing to see everyone again on that moment, and many of us were exhausted, though that has not kept some from talking all night long, for some people's despair hahahah

Some of our amazing Aussie newbies 
Some of our costumes
Brazil, Australia and the US
On Saturday, we got the chance to walk to the city center and take a look at the shops and but stuff, and right after lunch, there were some activities like football and barrel painting (later on I'll tell what for). But the most awaited event happened on Saturday night: a party called "fastelavn", which can be said as a Danish Halloween! This way, everyone had to dress up as something, and I did as Luigi! It was lacking a moustache but oh well...

There were many great ideas and some people didn't dress up, but generally everyone tried to at least put something funny up! The first activity was something that goes like this: everyone was divided into 5 lines, and everyone had to hit one of those barrels with a bat, in order to break them and unleash all the candy that was placed inside them. Everytime that some of them broke, people would run crazy to the candy line and store them somewhere at their costume hahah After we were all done with that, we went to have dinner and after that, it was our time to entertain ourselves. There was some sort of talent show, where some people went up on the stage to present something to the audience.  Some of them were Declan from the US singing and playing guitar, Montana from Australia playing the piano and  Meghan from NZ singing a Halsey song, and also groups like the Brazilians dancing funk (I just stood and watched hahahah), the Aussies teaching a dance called nutbush and the Latinos just dancing something and then a flashmob where a lot of us went to the stage to dance Macarena with them hahahahah

When the show was over, the eating area turned into a dance floor, complete with a DJ (he's been doing this job on the G2G for 30 years), and many of us spent a lot of time dancing to many great songs, and thus we all have sore voices and aching legs, me included while I write this on a Wednesday morning :P The party continued for a lot of time and many of us talked until late in the night, because it was just so great having everyone's company at that time :D that resulted on everyone being tired at school Monday morning but it was surely worth it!

Snowy weather on Holbæk station
Finally, on Sunday morning, we had to wake up early to get our stuff ready and have breakfast, and right after we ate, some farewell songs were put on, and with that, many just broke down in tears... Everywhere you looked, people were hugging and crying and wondering if they could see each other again, because for many of us it'd be the last chance we had to be together before us, the summer team, returns home in 4 months, and many of our old and new friends don't live quite close...  After all the goodbyes, pictures together and all of this, we had to hurry up to catch a bus to the station and go back home! We were again around 50 people to go on the same train to Høje Taastrup, so some people almost were left behing, as the train doors closed right after the last person boarded... In Taastrup, we all divided on our carriages bound to our homes, putting an end to one of the best weekends of those last 7 months! And to every exchange student reading this, I want to thank you and everyone for making this weekend the best possible, you guys are awesome ;)
Someone was tired of walking!

By the way, it's been 7 months already, and I can't stand how fast time's going, and I know it won't slow down... There are so many excited things going to happen though, so I can't help but to be excited for what shall come!

Vi ses :D

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