"O intercâmbio não é um ano na vida; é uma vida num ano"
"Exchange isn't a year in life. It is a life in a year"

quarta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2015

G2G in Ry

On the weekend of September 4 to 6, we went to a town named Ry for a meeting with all inbounds of our host district, 1450. It was a little different from planned, as we were supposed to canoe through the region's lakes and climbing one of the highest hills of Denmark, Himmelbjerget, with "impressive" 147m! The highest one has 170m, so it's nothing major for any of us...

Group picture on the top of Himmelbjerget
Continuing the story, we couldn't do the canoeing trip due to non stop rain from the day before, so a bus took us to the top of the hill but we weren't able to enjoy it fully because it started to rain again while we were there and it was really cold, but fortunately we got the chance to go there

On that day's afternoon, we had an activity which involved a machine that shot flødeboller*, and yes, that guy on the picture is me trying to pick one with my mouth; it didn't work but I got it with my hand and ate it ;) When no one else wanted to play it, the caretakers started a war with them, and some got back inside all dirty and sticky!

There's also a report about the meeting on the Danish Rotary website, if anyone wants to see it, here's the link:
It's all in Danish but just translate!

Resting in the mattress before we go home

Vi ses!

* Danish candy that is a soft marshmallow ball covered in chocolate.

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