"O intercâmbio não é um ano na vida; é uma vida num ano"
"Exchange isn't a year in life. It is a life in a year"

quarta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2015

Changing seasons

Árvore em Børkop
It's been a little more than two months since I arrived here, so I wanted to show some changes that happened in the meanwhile! Maybe I'll speak a little too much about the weather, but something we learn here is that the weather is not something bad to talk about because of how much it can change!

Something special for someone who moves from a tropical to a temperate area is when the season changes: the sun goes away sooner or later, the leaves start to fall or grow back again, the temperatures go down or up slowly...

Here we're still in early autumn, but right when the season started, it was noticeable that the sun went away at 9PM instead of 10PM, and then at 8, and after that it's 7 and dark already. The same in the mornings: before, I'd leave with my bike when the sun was in the horizon, now it's not even there yet!
byvejr verdensvejr 7100 Vejle, Danmark
Aquela dor no coração quando a temp. máxima na semana será de 10ºC (com mín. menor que 5ºC)
And it's even funny to think how could I be cold in Brazil when the temperatures went 15º C/59ºF and below! When it's that "cold" here in this season, people would go outside, stay in the sun, eat outside, well, do everything to enjoy the day, and they don't even know how it is to live in temperatures above 30ºC/86ºF almost year round...

Those things are learned when you really jump into the place where this is common, and when you have the chance to live it for more than just a few days, and for me that's one of the great things about the Exchange, to change your concepts about things we'd never think about before we put our feet in here!

That's it for today :) vi ses!

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