"O intercâmbio não é um ano na vida; é uma vida num ano"
"Exchange isn't a year in life. It is a life in a year"

segunda-feira, 10 de agosto de 2015

First days!

This post will be a little longer than usual, but I need to do some updates since I made it to Denmark!

Our flight till Amsterdam was awesome, we were (almost) all seated together and we spend almost the whole night chatting; some (including me) tried to sleep but we gave up after...

We made it to the amazing Schiphol airport, full of stores, people, places to sit down and, of course, the well-educated Dutch people, who helped us a lot on getting around that huge airport, and that were really nice to us in our flight! On our way to Billund, me and my friend (sitting right behind me) caught the eyes of the couples sitting by our sides because of our blazers, and we talked a lot with them! By my side there was an English couple from the Manchester area, and by her side, a Danish couple.

My arrival was pretty good, Claus and Tove (my counsellor and his wife), plus three of my other families' host brothers were there waiting for me!

There's not much to talk about yesterday because I spent most of it tired due to jet-lag, but we had lunch with my other host family over here, and I got the chance to know them better, especially my younger host brother! They looked very forward to have me in their home as I am to stay over there!!

Today we went to Horsens to hand out my documents to the Danish authorities, and after that we went to Vejle so I could meet my teacher there in the school, which is by the way really big and modern! Shortly after I was driven to Jelling with the Rotary members and the Youth Camp; this city is considered the birth site of Denmark, as king Gorm, the Viking king, wrote down the name of the country for the first time at a Rune stone, and also where he was buried by his son, Harald Blåtand, or Bluetooth (I can explain the relation if someone wants me to hahah)

Speaking of modernity, I'm finding everything here really modern and functional, from the houses to street crossings and other small details...

I'm finished for now, but in the weekend I'll speak a bit about the Danish course!

Vi ses!

P.S.: Here's a video of our landing in Amsterdam:

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