"O intercâmbio não é um ano na vida; é uma vida num ano"
"Exchange isn't a year in life. It is a life in a year"

quarta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2015

Sprogcenter (Danish school) and Vejle

Bryggen, the local mall
It's been a week since I started Danish school in Vejle, so I should share a bit of the experience in here! I study only with foreigners, but there are all really cool and receptive, some with more dificulties with the language, some with less. Some of us walk to class together, and have lunch and/or walk through the city also together, and it has been great! We learn simple things in there, like how to introduce ourselves, questions and useful vocabulary for exchange students...

Fresh fruit for sale at

The city of Vejle is very different from what I was used to in Brazil, because of its location (by the sea) or by the people's behaviour: in there (as well in the rest of Denmark) the pedestrians don't cross the street when the light is red, even when there are no cars coming; bikes and cars lve in harmony and there's no need to worry a lot about walking about with backpacks or holding your phone in the middle of the street!

I'm changing families on Friday and then going to Introcamp on Sunday with all the other inbounds, so I'll get a chance to update here soon!

Vi ses!

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