"O intercâmbio não é um ano na vida; é uma vida num ano"
"Exchange isn't a year in life. It is a life in a year"

terça-feira, 14 de julho de 2015

First post

Hi everyone!

So, this is my first post in here, so I’d like to use it to introduce the idea of this blog.
I’ll be a Rotary Exchange Student in 2015/16, and I’m bound to DENMARK! From today it’s 25 days for my departure! Very close, so I decided to start this blog to get myself busy in the meantime and to share the Exchange experiences as they happen… I do not intend to post a lot, but for now I’ll focus on what happens before the big day, like my host country, the pins, etc… Thank you for reading this so far, and I hope you’ll like what I’m going to write in here!

Vi ses! (See you soon in Danish)

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